You are here: Using > Debtors > Debtors Menu

Debtors Menu


The Debtors Menu is the central hub of the system. All data entry associated with the debtors and debts is done through this menu.


The Debtors menu:



The Debtors menu option:


The Debtor menu option is also available on the Icon Toolbar:



The Debtor Information screen:


- Users will only see the debtors and debts for the Departmental/Account Code(s) authorized in the Tools-User Setup



The only three options available are Search, Add Debtor and Exit. The others are grayed out and non-functional until a debtor is added or selected.

  1. Search - allows for the searching by SSN, Last Name, First Name or Account Number. There is also a Quick View that will show all debtors and debts.
  2. Add Debtor - method for adding a new debtor, one that does not currently exist in the software
  3. Edit Debtor - once the debtor is displayed, demographic changes can be maintained
  4. Delete Debtor - once the debtor is displayed, all debts and the debtor can be permanently removed, whether been setoff or not
  5. Add Debt - once the debtor is displayed, the ability to a new debt
  6. Edit Debt - once the debtor is displayed, a selected debt can be modified
  7. Delete Debt - once the debtor is displayed, a selected debt can be permanently removed
  8. Sum Debts - will display the total debt amount of all debts
  9. Setoff History - will display all past setoff information, setoff amount and date of setoff
  10. General History - will display all demographic add and edits
  11. Debt History - will display all debt adds, edits and deletions
  12. Exit - return to the Main Menu